unable to see top menu bar and launcher button in SageMaker studio


My system is Mac. I am new to amazon aws sagemaker. I just open an new personal aws account and then I searched for Amazon SageMaker Studio and then created a new user profile as executor and a new domain and then I clicked on open studio but I can not see launcher button to use system terminal and also can not see the top menu bar that has file, kernel and other options. I appreciate if anyone has any idea that I did by mistake in the scenario to open sagemaker studio so now I am unable to see these options. Please help me. I got stuck since a few days ago and I was unable to work with sagemaker because of this issue.

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asked 3 months ago293 views
3 Answers


It sounds to me like you're wanting to get into the Jupyter Notebook view. To get to the JupyterLab notebook screen, simply click on JupyterLab in the upper left-hand corner. This will take you to a screen that will show you what Jupyter Notebooks you might have running currently and what their status is (Running/Stopped). It will also give you the opportunity to launch a new one.

Be sure to shut it down when you are done with it if you are cost-conscious.

answered 3 months ago

Enter image description here

Thank you for your answer, If you see the picture I added here, there is difference between features I see in some training videos for example in training videos in Coursera and the one I previously provided. I specified the difference with red color in my second picture.I need to see launcher button so by clicking on it I will be able to see system terminal.

answered 3 months ago

OK, I understand what you're wanting to do now.

You're really looking for "SageMaker Studio Classic" view.

Take a look at those directions and they should get you to where you need to be.

If not, let me know.

answered 3 months ago

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