What are recommended alarms in Cloudwatch for Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 for Postgresql?


I would like to query my Amazon Aurora Serverless v2 for Postgresql by sensible metrics and alarms.

I found several alarms here. However, they seem to be unrelated to the serverless regime. However, there are also other limits we might want to take into consideration for ensuring reliability.

Hence, could you please me know how to follow best practises here?

1 Answer


Important metrics for Aurora Serverless v2 are listed in the following document.
You don't need to set alarms on all of these metrics, but the ones I've actually set in the past are "ACUUtilization" and "CPUUtilization."
If the metrics of "ACUUtilization" and "CPUUtilization" are close to 100%, it means that the maximum ACU does not have enough capacity and the load is extremely high.

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answered 6 months ago
  • Many thanks for your input, could you tell me whether we also need ReplicaLag and BlockedTransactions, because I cannot find these metrics.

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