Gamelift VPC peering to access a private link from another VPC.


Hi, I have a private link in API Gateway created in my VPC A which is invoked only by the EC2s in the VPC A (restricted by resource policy). Now I want to add my gamelift servers as well the permission to access the private link. How can I achieve this. Since gamelift fleet themselves are in an isolated VPC, How can I achieve this? If I establish a peering connection between my VPC A and the gamelift fleet, how can I configure the security group for the VPC endpoint to accept traffic from the local IP of the Gamelift fleet since I dont want it to be over the internet for security purpose.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer


If you connect GameLift and VPC A with VPC peering, you can check the VPC CIDR of the GameLift fleet.
So, how about configuring this VPC CIDR to be allowed in the security group's inbound rules?

Once you have configured VPC peering with GameLift, you can check the VPC CIDR of your GameLift fleet by running the following command.

aws gamelift describe-vpc-peering-connections
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