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Pinpoint sms get successful status, but not receiving sms in my phone


I'm currently setting up an otp service in my app with the Pinpoint sms otp command, I'm using a sender ID to testing sending otp to my own cellphone, even though i got successful status in response, I didn't really receive any sms on my phone.

2 Answers

Is it a US number you are sending it to?

answered a year ago
  • I am using a Taiwan number { "eventType": "TEXT_DELIVERED", "eventVersion": "1.0", "eventTimestamp": 1700724576621, "isFinal": true, "originationPhoneNumber": "DYKOO", "destinationPhoneNumber": "**********", "isoCountryCode": "TW", "mcc": "466", "mnc": "92", "carrierName": "Chunghwa Telecom LDM", "messageId": "da865d63-f124-40ce-be29-efd47d1085d6", "messageRequestTimestamp": 1700724573143, "messageEncoding": "GSM", "messageType": "TRANSACTIONAL", "messageStatus": "DELIVERED", "messageStatusDescription": "Message has been accepted by phone", "totalMessageParts": 1, "totalMessagePrice": 0.0556, "totalCarrierFee": 0 }

  • Did you block out the destination phone number? Or is there not one? Do have the format for the phone number of +countrycode destinationnumber?


Could you please check your phone settings because Some recipients might have opted out of receiving SMS messages. Check if the recipient phone number is opted out. You can find this information in the Pinpoint console under "Settings" > "Phone number settings." Also you could restart your phone.

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answered a year ago

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