Default Cluster Version in EKS



Is there any way to know the default version of the Cluster that will be set in EKS via SDK or API other than the aws console?

Why is the default version of Cluster in EKS 1.22 instead of 1.23? Are there any rules by which the default version is determined?


asked 2 years ago727 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Let me suggest a way for you to know default version. You can use the flag --dry-run with eksctl which make calls to EKS API. Same option isn't available in AWS CLI EKS as of now.

eksctl create cluster --name development --dry-run | grep version
  version: "1.22"

The community releases new Kubernetes minor versions, such as 1.23 but they don't automatically immediately become the default version on EKS.

1.22 (Amazon EKS release date April 4, 2022) is the default version because it has endured more support duration than 1.23 (Amazon EKS release date August 11, 2022).

Refer to this doc to know more about how AWS plan their Kubernetes releases

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago

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