why does using System Manager aws:runShellScript to execute "df -h" not show EFS mounts


When I run the df command on my servers the results displayed show my EFS mounts. when I run the command using System Manager and doc aws:runShellScript the EFS mounts are not show but all non EFS mounts are shown. Why is this ? Am I missing a parameter ? These are RHEL 7.9.

1 Answer

Hello there,

Thank you for reaching out to us and posting your question in Re:Post. I tested AWS-RunShellScript Command document in a RHEL 7.9 instance to run df -h. I mounted EFS using both nfs4 and efs filesystem type. In either case the df -h command displayed the EFS mounts. You may check:

  1. If the EFS filesystem is mounted when the Systems Manager document executes.
  2. If you are using the latest Systems Manager agent. Ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/systems-manager/latest/userguide/agent-install-rhel.html

If this is reproducible, please feel free to open a Support case with us and we can investigate further.

answered 3 years ago

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