Issue with using Google Workspace as Idp for AWS WorkSpace (using AWS MS AD Managed)


I'm trying to follow this guide to set up Google as Idp for AWS Workspace via SAML2.0.

What I got working: AWS Workspace working with AWS Managed MS AD. Created user can log into Workspace with desktop App For Step 1 I downloaded the Metadata from Google SAML here Step 1

Then upload to AWS IAM to create an identity providers


Step 2-3: I created a role with an inline permission



Step 4:

step4 step4.1

Step 5: I created a custom attribute for the user to map to the Role value in AWS


Step 6:

I put the Relay State on Start URL field in Google


Step 7 Not sure what is the Idp deep link parameter name for Google so I leave it as RelayState


When I tried to do Idp-initiated flow


It open the right RelayState URL, then open the Workspace desktop app


When I clicked Continue to Sign in to Workspace it gave this error


My guess is something off with my Assertion mapping so when Workspace tries to get credentials from Google it errors out.

If anyone can help me point out where I did it wrong, it would be much appreciated. Thank you!

2 Answers

SAML integration with workspaces requires "IdP must support unsolicited IdP-initiated SSO with a deep link target resource or relay state endpoint URL"

Ensure google G Suite to support this "deep linking" feature (modifying the relay state URL for each session). From the doc, you found the certified idp is "ADFS, Azure AD, Duo Single Sign-On, Okta, PingFederate, and PingOne".

answered 2 years ago

Response from AWS support team.

""" From case notes I understand that you are trying to set up the Google SSO for AWS workspace access and I do understand that you are currently using Google Single Sign-On (SSO) to access the AWS Management Console.

I would like to inform you that to use SAML 2.0 authentication with WorkSpaces, the identity provider (IdP) must support IdP-initiated deep linking for the relay state URL.

At this time, we are aware that Google Workspace do not support this capability and cannot be used with Amazon WorkSpaces SAML 2.0 integration.

Below article mentions a list of identity providers that do support IdP-initiated deep linking:

I hope this information proves useful. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns. """

answered 3 months ago

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