DyanamoDB connection issue - aws-sdk for NodeJs - Inside Docker


DDB connection is succeeded and 'listTables' API works (although with a huge delay) but when I try to fetch anything with DocumentClient using the NodeJs's 'aws-sdk', I'm seeing this error:


"message": "CRC32 integrity check failed",

"code": "CRC32CheckFailed",

"retryable": true,

"time": "2022-02-02T19:53:18.508Z",

"statusCode": 200


note: this is occurring only when the app is running from within the docker whereas outside the docker it is working fine.

Solutions Tried:

As per the solution given here, tried adding '{dynamoDbCrc32: false}' like this:

var AWS = require("aws-sdk");

    dynamoDbCrc32: false

var dynamodb = new AWS.DynamoDB({dynamoDbCrc32: false});
const dynamodbClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient({dynamoDbCrc32: false});

but still, I'm facing the above issue.

note: I'm using the latest version:

"aws-sdk": "^2.1067.0"

any inputs would be helpful!


after I deleted and recreated the docker containers, the issue was resolved, probably adding this flag ‘{dynamoDbCrc32: false}’ works

asked 2 years ago486 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

after I deleted and recreated the docker containers, the issue was resolved, probably adding this flag ‘{dynamoDbCrc32: false}’ works.

but the execution is very slow when compared to the localhost, any inputs on that would be helpful as well

answered 2 years ago

Which version of the SDK are you using? Can you first ensure you update to the latest version?

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
  • hi, thanks for the reply.

    I'm using the latest version: "aws-sdk": "^2.1067.0"

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