Sudden increase in emails marked as SPAM



We've been using the SES service for a long time and we send out a Newsletter every Friday.

Always with the same amount of people. We've always had a SAPM rate of 0.03% on average.

Last Friday, 12/17/2021 we'd an absurd increase in SPAM, **It's almost reaching 0.50%. **An increase of more than 10 times.

Has there been any change in the SES algorithm? Is this a mistake? Why such a sudden increase if our newsletter is exactly the same a few years ago.


asked 2 years ago258 views
1 Answer

Does the newletter contain HTML content from remote servers? If so, it is possible the a content repository URIs have landed on URI blocklists. There are a ton of sites to check status. Here's one:

answered 2 years ago
  • There is no remote content. And as I informed, the content is always the same. There is no difference from the last few years. The content is default: Text + Link to articles.

    The title is standard. Content is standard The amount of images is standard The number of words is standard.

    The action is human, there was an increase in messages marked as SPAM. Messages are not falling into the SPAM box.

    Our domain is not listed on any blocklist at all. Tested daily at

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