Downsize EC2 machines


I need to downsize production Ec2 machines and some of them are c6 , m6 and t2 and I want to know if I can safely change the instance type from c6 to t3 or t4 same for the m6 and t2 or do I need to downsize only in the same family of machines to make sure when I do downsize every project inside and the machine stays exactly the same ?

Thank you

asked a month ago103 views
1 Answer


It is possible to lower it from C6 or M6 to T3, etc.
However, since t4g is an AWS Graviton-based CPU architecture, it cannot be lowered from M6 or C6.
Also, downsizing may have some impact on the hosted application, so be sure to test it before downsizing.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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