How to Transfer a Contact from Current Queue to Another Queue in Amazon Connect?


I need to implement functionality to move the contact from current queue to another queue when the contact in queue while playing queue promt. I have tried using Amazon Connect Api, but it didn't work. Is there any way to throw the event to move the contact to another queue?

asked 10 months ago465 views
2 Answers

To transfer a contact from the current queue to another queue in Amazon Connect, follow these steps:

=>Access the Contact Control Panel (CCP): Log in to the Amazon Connect instance and access the Contact Control Panel (CCP) interface. Select the Contact: Identify the contact that you want to transfer from the current queue to another queue. You can typically see a list of contacts in the CCP interface.

=>Initiate Transfer: Once you have selected the contact, look for the transfer option in the CCP interface. This option is usually represented by an icon or button.

=>Choose Destination Queue: When prompted, select the destination queue to which you want to transfer the contact. This could be another queue within the same Amazon Connect instance or a queue in a different instance.

=>Confirm Transfer: Confirm the transfer by following the prompts or selecting the appropriate options in the CCP interface. Ensure that you review the transfer details and destination queue before confirming.

=>Complete Transfer: Once confirmed, the contact will be transferred to the specified destination queue. The contact will be removed from the current queue and added to the new queue, where it will wait for an available agent to handle it.

=>Notify Agents: If necessary, notify agents in the new queue about the incoming contact so that they can be prepared to handle it when it becomes available.

answered 10 months ago
reviewed 8 months ago

Your question is asked a bit differently than what I would expect. I assume you got the call into the first queue using a flow (customer queue type to be specific). Inside that flow you can have a loop prompt block that you need to interrupt when you want to move the call to a new queue. You connect that to a Transfer to queue block where you then set a new working queue, then the success branch goes to a End flow/Resume block and your call will now be in the new queue.


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answered 10 months ago
  • No. Actually I want to move the contact while playing queue prompt.

  • I've not seen an API where you could move the call programmatically, you have to use a contact flow and do what I mentioned above.

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