Quota issue in Redshift Serverless when trying to grant access to another AWS account


Hello, How can I increase the quota for granting access to another AWS account from Redshift Serverless. I already have 5 accounts added and I get the below error when trying to add another account. You reached the limit of grantees that you can authorize to create Redshift-managed VPC endpoints. You can grant up to 5 grantees.

asked 2 months ago68 views
1 Answer


You can increase them as described in Redshift quotas.

Since I can't find the item to apply for from the service quota screen, I recommend contacting AWS Support using "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

Please inquire from the URL below.

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
  • I should have mentioned that I had already checked the document. Although it mentions about Manged-Redshift cluster, there is is no info about Redshift-Serverless. Anyway I will log a case with AWS Support.

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