why COMPONENT_VERSION_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET occured in iot greengrass v2 group


I am in the process of deploying edge devices with greengrass v2 group. Here is a documentation of the process https://catalog.us-east-1.prod.workshops.aws/workshops/8d1c3528-8abb-4674-a2b9-d15fa593c392/en-US/image-classification/deploy-em-agent#deploy-component

As you proceed, you deploy from the greengrass group and get an error like COMPONENT_VERSION_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET.

The components I am using are as follows. The problematic part of the list seems to be sagemaker edge manager. I think it's clear because there is no problem when I deploy without that component. So I checked the documentation... aws.greengrass.Cli 2.9.6 aws.greengrass.Nucleus 2.9.6 aws.greengrass.SageMakerEdgeManager 1.3.2 aws.greengrass.TokenExchangeService 2.0.3

It says that the following conditions must be met However, I don't see anything wrong with the version I'm using. Do you have any idea how to fix this? Greengrass Nucleus >=2.0.0 <3.0.0 soft TokenExchangeService >=0.0.0 hard

asked 2 years ago356 views
1 Answer

You can check in the /greengrass/v2/logs/greengrass.log which is the exact component that is creating the conflict. Check also that there is only 1 deployment targeting the core device by looking under the Deployments tab in the Core devices screen. If there are more than 1 deployment, check that the component's versions in the different deployments are not conflicting.

answered 2 years ago
  • I think I am experiencing a similar issue. In the greengrass log I have this message: Component com.company.component version constraints: thing/ThingID requires =1.0.65, thinggroup/GROUP_CONTAINING_ThingID requires =1.0.66

    I previously deployed com.company.component to core device ThingID (v1.0.65). I then wanted to add that component to a group and deploy it there (v1.0.66), but I get this version conflict. I have tried cancelling the deployment to the core device and deleting all revisions of that deployment but I always get the above message. Do you know what might be going wrong?

  • Update on the above: I was able to get it working by changing the first deployment to have a single basic component. This removed all of the other components that were on the device (and their dependencies) so I was able to do the group deployment. Would still like to know why it's not possible to override one deployment with another though

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