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That sounds like a detect, when using the same Delta sink on a regular non streaming job, the code looks like the second one you describe. Will open a ticket to the streaming team.
No, it is correct. In the same Visual Job add a parent data node (Kafka in my case). Once this is in place you will see that the script changes to something like:
s3 = glueContext.write_dynamic_frame.from_options(
"path": "s3://...",
"partitionKeys": [],
format_options={"compression": "snappy"},
I made the same test you did and is how discovered that this version works:
answered a year ago
The streaming is treating delta (as well as hudi and iceberg) like one of the basic formats; anyway, the bug is reported
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I've run into a very similar error trying to write to an iceberg table from a Glue streaming job.