Changing the bot's locale from en_US to en_GB results in a MASSIVE drop in accuracy - nonsense sentences are being matched to intents instead of to the fallback intent


I've recently tried to change my bot's locale from en_US to en_GB as my bot is being used in the UK.

With en_GB as the locale, nonsense sentences such as "khk djh kdjhc lkjf" are being matched to real intents rather than (as I would expect) the fallback intent. The training data is identical and there is no particular regional language being used. It's a v2 bot with around 100 intents.

In fact, it's virtually impossible to trigger the fallback intent with any combination of input text.

Has anybody else experienced this? Is there a workaround or is the en_GB locale just significantly worse at recognition?

asked a year ago255 views
1 Answer

Thank you for reaching out.

Can you please share some sample request ids along with rough window of time for when these requests were made and the AWS region. This will help us investigate the issue.

answered a year ago

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