Show DataZone project in another web platform


i want to create a dashboard that shows the datazone project in a different web platform or a local device. Or is it possible to generate/ use a url that directly shows the project dashboard with suppose read only permissions given. Sorry if this seems vague. Basically i want to show the schema and its details from my datazone project in another web platform.

asked 4 months ago98 views
1 Answer

Amazon DataZone is a data management service that simplifies your experience across AWS services. Your use case of using another platform as UI could be supported via API's , although you will have to evaluate how much work it is to build you own UI Vs. using the included DataZone UI itself. You can also influence DataZone UI and contribute to making it better if you have ideas! Feel free to reach out to your AWS Account Team and one of the SA's will be very happy to discuss details.

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answered 3 months ago

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