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How to monitor RDS using CLoudWatch



I have an oracle 19c RDS instance running. Does RDS automatically publish all performance and other statistics data to CloudWatch or do I need to set this up manually?

Is there any good training video or article on how to read or use the CloudWatch data or graphs for monitoring?


2 Answers

In general, yes, RDS publishes enough performance metrics to cloudwatch. There is an option to turn on enhanced monitoring, which will publish OS-level metrics to Cloudwatch. But, you will have to make the decision on if you need that level of monitoring.

Check the docs on RDS here:

answered a year ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • There is a lot of metrics published. Is there any videos/articles that show what important metrics i need to monitor regularly and how to read the graphs and what cloudwatch alarms to setup?

Accepted Answer


I guess that this blog post is exactly what you're looking for:

This blog post is about best practices for RDS monitoring with SQL Server but it provides good inspiration for Oracle:



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Excellent Links that enhanced my understanding for RDS monitoring. I had a question about diff between RDS events nd cloudwatch alarms but I will post it under different questions.

    Thank you!

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