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RDS Proxy doesn’t support command-line options error when accessing RDS from django


I have a Postgres RDS (engine version-16.1). i created a RDS Proxy for this RDS. when i try to access db from django's ORM. Application is throwing Below error ERROR - RDS Proxy doesn’t support command-line options

In Django settings database connects, we have defined below code for pointing to different schemas

        'OPTIONS': {
            'options': f"-c search_path={DATABASE_SCHEMA}"

Now the Error is due to options parameter used in database settings of django Because RDS proxy doesn't support it. Is there a solution for this issue. please suggest

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asked 6 months ago396 views
1 Answer

One way to achieve this is by using a custom database backend in Django to set the search path after establishing the connection. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Create a Custom Database Backend: Create a custom database backend that inherits from the default PostgreSQL backend and sets the search path after the connection is established.

  2. Create the Custom Backend: Create a new Python module in your Django project (e.g., custom_db_backend). Inside this module, create a file with the following content:

from django.db.backends.postgresql.base import DatabaseWrapper as PostgresDatabaseWrapper

class DatabaseWrapper(PostgresDatabaseWrapper):
    def get_new_connection(self, conn_params):
        connection = super().get_new_connection(conn_params)
        search_path = conn_params.get('OPTIONS', {}).get('options', '')
        if search_path:
            with connection.cursor() as cursor:
                cursor.execute(f"SET search_path TO {search_path.split('=')[-1]}")
        return connection

  1. Update Django Settings: Update your Django DATABASES settings to use the custom database backend:
    'default': {
        'ENGINE': '',  # Update this to the path of your custom backend
        'NAME': 'your_db_name',
        'USER': 'your_db_user',
        'PASSWORD': 'your_db_password',
        'HOST': 'your_db_host',
        'PORT': 'your_db_port',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'options': f"-c search_path={DATABASE_SCHEMA}"  # This will be processed by the custom backend
  1. Remove Unsupported Options: Since the options parameter is now processed by your custom backend, you can safely remove any unsupported options from the default connection parameters that would cause issues with RDS Proxy.
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answered 6 months ago

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