Problem Updating User MFA Preferences to Authenticator App in AWS Cognito Console


Hi there,

I've been utilizing AWS Cognito through the AWS console for about a year now. Previously, I had no trouble updating a user's MFA preference via the Update MFA configuration screen. However, ever since AWS deployed Advanced Security features over a week ago, I've encountered difficulties.

While many users can still utilize the Authenticator App instead of SMS for MFA, I've encountered an issue when attempting to add a new user or update their preference. Specifically, I keep receiving the error message "User does not have delivery config set to turn on SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA" through the AWS UI.

Upon reviewing my sign-up experience, I verified that both SMS and the Authenticator app are selected as options. Thus, the only noticeable change has been the recent update deployed by AWS.

I'd appreciate any assistance in resolving this Enter image description here

asked 23 days ago296 views
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