ECS Fargate with ECS connect and Code Deploy


We want to use Blue/green with canary deployment managed by Code Deploy and we want to include ECS Service connect as well. is that possible?

Today we have app mesh and we want to implement BLue green with Code deploy. In order to do that we want to implement ECS service connect instead App mesh.

thanks a lot in advance,

1 Answer


Currently service connect does not support blue/green deployment, as mentioned in the document[1] only services that use rolling deployments are supported with Service Connect. Services that use the blue/green and external deployment types aren’t supported.

[1] [2] [3]

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • So instead of using ECS Service connect with ECS fargate and code deploy, Do I need to use App Mesh? not sure if it is possible use app mesh and code deploy

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