Transaction not found in Blu Age modernized application


I am trying to starting the CardDemo modernized application in AWS Mainframe Modernization. I created the environment and deployed the modernized application. I can access the online screen, but when typing the “CC00” transaction in the “Transaction Runner”, I get a “Transaction Not Found” message on the screen.

asked 7 months ago225 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

It would seem that your transaction database table is empty.
In AWS Mainframe Modernization, the transaction data is migrated in the JICS database. In order to populate the database, you should have an SQL file in your S3 bucket dedicated to the deployment of your Blu Age Modernized application, making sure the path is jics/sql/initJics.sql.

answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

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