stalled error in application manager service (MGN)


I have installed agent in physical machine successfully but getting error please help. error is- Data replication stalled Failed to launch Replication Server.

asked 3 years ago13.4K views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Check the replication subnet to see if the replication server exists. If it does it's probably a communication issue between the replication server and MGN. Check routing, NACLs, and Security Group.

If there's not a replication server, its creation might be blocked by Service Control Policies or Control Tower Guard Rails (For instance, I've seen tagging requirements block the creation of the replication server). Check Cloud Trail and Cloud Watch for hints.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago
  • yes some policy were stopping its resolved now but now new error has came out i.e. Failed to connect AWS Replication Agent to Replication Server.


Check your settings under the Application Migration Service in your region. Verify that the subnet in the settings is the expected one.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

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