Glacier Early Deletion fee applied to date Tape was Created or was Archived


All tapes in Tape Storage Gateway is created in Glacier zone, but they stay in S3 until they get archived and got pushed into Glacier zone.

So I am wondering if I move a tape that was

Created: 9/1
Archived: 9/4
Move from Glacier to Deep Glacier on 12/3.

Will I get charged for Early Deletion fee? Does the fee apply to the CREATED date or the ARCHIVED date?


asked 5 years ago374 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Yes, there will be an early deletion fee and it will be counted from the archived date. Note that there will be a charge for moving the tape also. You can use our calculator here to estimate your cost:

Note you are able to set the Pool when you create new tapes to specify where you want the archived tapes to go to - S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive. You can either set the right Pool when you create the tape or if the tape is not archived already, use "Assign to Pool" to assign the tape from S3 Glacier to S3 Glacier Deep Archive Pool.


answered 5 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

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