Can I delete a field when updating a dataset?


I used a test file which by mistake had 1 additional column. I wanted to go back to my old dataset with correct data instead of just testing. Quicksight doesn't allow me to replace the dataset because of the additional column in the test dataset. Excluding that column doesn't help.

I don't want to create the dashboard from the beginning just because of this. But if I have to, the owner of Quicksight should have predicted such thing happening. Autosave also is forced on so also cannot go back to my old version.

asked a year ago430 views
1 Answer

You can remove the field from the analysis by excluding it from the dataset. This also makes the data table being imported into spice smaller, returning the results faster.

If that doesn't fit your needs you can create a new dataset with the excluded column and replace the existing dataset in your analysis. In the analysis under Visualize click the edit icon next to Dataset.

Edit Dataset

Click on the kabob menu (three dots) and choose Replace.

Replace Dataset

Click the new dataset name and Select, you will get a message stating that it will "clear the undo/redo history for this analysis." As long as the fields you used are the same the dashboard visualizations will remain unchanged.

profile pictureAWS
answered 10 months ago
  • What are the implications of the dataset replacement on the analysis' undo/redo history, and whether there are any best practices to follow when the fields used in the visualizations are unchanged but the underlying data structure is modified by removing a column? Thanks

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