Get Amplify app IP network adress



I'm deploying with amplify an app which needs to connect to a database.
However this external service needs the IP address of the client in order to allow the connection.
Is there a way to get the IP address of the network where is located the amplify app ?

asked 4 years ago3507 views
3 Answers

Hi did you get to solve this? I'm trying to connect my godaddy account and I can't seem to find the Ip address

answered 4 years ago

did you ever found out if this is possible? Maybe using an elasticIP etc.?
I'm interested in connecting an AWS Elasticsearch cluster and secure it by IP.

Best regards,

answered 3 years ago

Static IP is not possible with Amplify service. Instead using Amplify, can you containerize your app and use ECS, so you can connect it with LoadBalancer to get IP address?

answered 10 months ago

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