Changing the Greengrass V2 core device IAM role after install



Is it possible to change the device service role after the device has been installed ? I have a number of devices with the default 'GreengrassV2TokenExchangeRoleAccess' IAM policy. Is it possible to point them to a new policy, without re-installing greengrass v2 on the core device ?

2 Answers

The linked documentation tells you how to edit:

It is just an IAM role, so you can easily edit the policy and add and remove policies as needed.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thanks for the link. I should have specified in my question - rather than adding/removing permissions from the role, is it possible to change the core device service role itself ?

    Example: I create a gg v2 core device with the default role.

    Later on I create a new role called MyCustomRole. I now want to change the core device service role to MyCustomRole, without re-running the install script. Is this possible ?


AWS IoT Greengrass uses AWS IoT Role Aliases. To change the role associated to the role alias configured for the Greengrass core device you can use the following API:

You can also perform the operation from the console

answered 2 years ago
  • In my case, the IoT Role Alias has also changed. Is it possible to change the IoT Role Alias (as in the example above, meaning to associate a device with a totally different role alias, a different ARN) after the greengrass core v2 device has been setup ?

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