Did you know how to clone a VPC


Hello Team ,

I have requirement of clone a VPC .How to clone a VPC and while cloning it would retails the same IP CIDR range .Is there any best practises available for VPC cloning .

Thanks Sujith

asked 2 years ago1475 views
3 Answers

There's no know API call or UI way to clone a resource. I guess you might need a tool to create a representation of your VPC in code and then change it to create the VPC clone in another region or account

For example there's a way to create a CloudFormation stack from existing resources https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/resource-import-new-stack.html

In the end, a CloudFormation stack is a big text file (json text) that defines the architecture, so once created is possible to modify and export it.

You also have some third party tools like terraform able to define infrastructure as code, terraform also supports importing existing resources but it does not "write the code" for the imported resources, leaving that to the developer.

answered 2 years ago
  • Thank you .I will try this and update here with the results .


Take a look at Former2 to generate the CloudFormation templates to clone the VPC.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

Thank you theist, and kentrad helping Sujith

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answered 2 years ago

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