Transfer domain to Route 53 and retaining Name Servers seamlessly in Lightsail


Hi, I would like to transfer a domain to Route 53 but still keeping all external services untouched (web & email servers) and to gradually move them under Lightsail when the time comes.

I understand that the Domain Transfer to Route 53 will retain the original NS, so technically, all existing services should continue working seamlessly... am I correct?

When ready to migrate some of the services into Lightsail, what woul be the step-by-step process to switch the old NS to use the Route 53's NS and start using the DNS Zone in Lightsail without (or minor) disruption? I'd appreciate any help in trying understanding better the process and especially any risk. Thanks

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

You are correct. So long as when you transfer the domain you state that name servers are to not be changed then yes nothing will change and everything will remain.

However, you need to check with your current registrar if you transfer your domain away that they do not stop DNS services for your domain.

If you’re using your own DNS servers somewhere else then usually wouldn’t stop working.

To migrate services, make sure you set everything up such as webservers and DNS records in lightsail. You can query the name servers directly If you wish to test.

However you have to swing the whole domain at once. You can’t do it step by step.

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reviewed a year ago
  • Thanks for confirming, that's encouraging!

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