Query Result Order Difference Between MongoDB and AWS DocumentDB



I am migrating a database from MongoDB to AWS DocumentDB. I have observed that when I query a collection with the same elements in both MongoDB and DocumentDB, the order of the results is different.

Is this a known behavior of query results on DocumentDB?

Thank you.

asked 25 days ago73 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


It's one of the function difference with MongoDB.


Amazon DocumentDB does not guarantee implicit result sort ordering of result sets. To ensure the ordering of a result set, explicitly specify a sort order using sort().

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answered 25 days ago
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reviewed 25 days ago
  • So basically, since MongoDB does not guarantee implicit result sort ordering, the sort ordering in DocumentDB won't be the same as in MongoDB. Right?

  • yes, but you could explicitly specify a sort order using sort().

  • yea, unfortunately i need exactly the implicit sort order like in Mongo

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