How to mount FSx for windows file server on windows 10/11



I would like to see a way to mount an FSx for windows file server file system on a pc with windows 10 or windows 11.

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2 Answers


To mount Amazon FSx for Windows File Server on Windows 10/11, you need to follow these steps:

Ensure that your Windows 10/11 instance meets the requirements to mount FSx. It should have network connectivity to the Amazon FSx file system, and the necessary permissions and access to the file system. Obtain the DNS name of your Amazon FSx file system. You can find it in the AWS Management Console or retrieve it using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). Open File Explorer on your Windows 10/11 instance.

Click on the "This PC" or "Computer" icon in the navigation pane.

From the toolbar, select the "Map network drive" option. This will open the "Map Network Drive" wizard.

In the "Drive" field, choose a drive letter to assign to the mounted FSx file system.

In the "Folder" field, enter the following syntax: \your-fsx-dns-name\share-name. Replace your-fsx-dns-name with the DNS name of your FSx file system, and share-name with the name of the shared folder you want to mount.

Check the "Reconnect at sign-in" option if you want the mapping to persist across system restarts.

Optionally, you can enable the "Connect using different credentials" option if you need to use different credentials to access the FSx file system.

Click on the "Finish" button to mount the FSx file system. Windows will attempt to connect to the FSx share and map it to the assigned drive letter.

If required, enter the credentials to access the FSx file system. Provide the appropriate username and password or use a different set of credentials, depending on your configuration.

Once the connection is established, you will see the mapped FSx file system as a network drive in File Explorer with the assigned drive letter.

You can now access and manage files on your Amazon FSx for Windows File Server through the mapped network drive on your Windows 10/11 instance.

Please note that the steps provided above assume that your Windows 10/11 instance is part of the same network as the Amazon FSx file system and has the necessary permissions to access it.

Please let me know if I answered your question

Reference: "Mounting Your Amazon FSx for Windows File System Automatically" (AWS Documentation):

answered a year ago
  • Hi Andres, Did I answer your question?

answered a year ago

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