Can i start codepipeline from several chosen branches and have only 1 build?


I'm creating codepipeline that need to get changes from develop and release branches and feature branch if possible. But when i make a pipeline with source stage of 3 branches Enter image description here and build stage with 3 build actions. all 3 source action provide output artifact and start a build action.

Can i have a pipeline that will only output 1 artifact of the branch that has been changed? Or i need to split current pipeline for several pipelines

1 Answer

Yes, you need to configure Source Artifact for each action in build stage that points to an output artifact of the corresponding action in Source stage.

You can have multiple Input and Ouptut artifacts in CodePipeline.

For example, for "develop":

  1. Edit action in "Source" stage that pull from branch develop
  2. Under "Output artifacts", provide a unique name,for example "SourceArtifactBranchDevelop".
  3. In the Build stage, edit the action that needs to get its input from branch develop
  4. Under "Input artifacts", select "SourceArtifactBranchDevelop"

Once applied, the build action will get the changes from the branch develop.

answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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