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Share WorkDocs with WorkSpaces


I create a virtual machine in Amazon Work Spaces, and I want to send local files to Amazon Work Spaces. So, I use Work Docs and upload to there, but there have some Time-lag between time when I uploaded and time when I can see file in Amazon Work Spaces. (Time-lag is about few minutes)

Is that behavior happened only my environment?

Is there any way to shorten Time-lag?

1 Answer

Hello! As with every cloud drive syncing solution, some lag is to be expected while the files are synchronized. This depends on many factors, including but not limited to the size of the file, your network's upload speed and the client that you are using.

Are you using the web client, or have you installed the WorkDocs Drive application?

answered 3 years ago
  • Thanks for your help. We use WorkDocs Drive application that we installed.

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