Cost explorer "MP:Overage-Units" item in usage type category


Hello all.

There is a usage type item called "MP:Overage-Units" that is listed in AWS Cost Explorer. Does anyone know what this cost refers to and how it is calculated? I should note that I have search online and in the knowledge base with no success. If I have missed an article or page, I would appreciate it if you pointed me towards it.

asked 7 months ago538 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

The term "MP:Overage-Units" in AWS Cost Explorer typically refers to overage charges incurred for exceeding certain usage limits or quotas associated with specific AWS services. However, the exact meaning and calculation of this cost can vary depending on the specific service and its pricing model.

To get more accurate information about what "MP:Overage-Units" specifically refers to in your AWS account, you may need to do the following:

1)Check AWS Documentation: 

AWS provides detailed documentation for each of its services, including information about pricing and usage. Look for documentation related to the specific service(s) you're using that might generate these overage charges. The documentation should outline any usage limits, pricing tiers, and potential overage charges.

2)Review Cost and Usage Reports: 

AWS Cost and Usage Reports provide comprehensive data about your AWS spending, including detailed information about usage and costs broken down by service. You can generate these reports from the AWS Management Console and analyze them to understand what services are generating the "MP:Overage-Units" costs and in what quantities.

  1. Contact AWS Support: If you're still unsure about the meaning of "MP:Overage-Units" after reviewing documentation and reports, you can reach out to AWS Support for assistance. They can provide clarification specific to your account and help you understand the charges in more detail.

  2. Explore AWS Cost Management Tools: AWS offers various cost management and optimization tools, such as AWS Cost Explorer and AWS Budgets. These tools can help you visualize your spending patterns, identify cost drivers, and set up budgets and alerts to manage costs effectively. Utilizing these tools might provide additional insights into the "MP:Overage-Units" costs.

By combining information from these sources, you should be able to gain a clearer understanding of what "MP:Overage-Units" represents in your AWS billing data and how it's calculated.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

The MP:Overage-Units item in AWS Cost Explorer typically refers to charges incurred for usage that exceeds the limits set by certain AWS Marketplace subscriptions. These overages are calculated based on the terms of your specific AWS Marketplace product agreements, which often detail the cost per unit of consumption over the agreed-upon threshold.


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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

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