Get total number of array workers inside of array job


If I subsmit a Batch array job, what is the best practice for getting the total number of array workers within each array worker itself?

I can access the worker index using the AWS_BATCH_JOB_ARRAY_INDEX environment variable, but often this number doesn't mean anything (e.g., for determining the extent of a chunk of data for the worker) without the context of the total number of workers.

I understand that I can supply the total array size as a command line argument to the job, but this is cumbersome. Is there a better way?

asked 3 years ago491 views
1 Answer

Unfortunately, there is no straight-forward way to access the Batch array length using the Environment variables. The list of environment variables provided in the doc - are the only ones available at the moment.

Please feel free to create a feature request for your use-case in the containers-roadmap github project using this link.

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answered 3 years ago

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