Device Pool - how to exclude 32 bit devices on Android


I have a pool definition for Android phones and I am getting Moto G7 Play devices moderately frequently of late and our app requires 64 bit devices and so fails to install. Need advice on how to avoid 32 bit devices.

asked 3 years ago249 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out. Try creating a new device pool or updating your old one from the command line as follows:

$ aws --profile MY_PROFILE_NAME devicefarm create-device-pool --name "MY_POOL_NAME" --project-arn "arn:aws:devicefarm:us-west-2:MY_ACCOUNT_ID:project:MY_PROJECT_ID" --rules '[
"attribute": "FLEET_TYPE",
"operator": "EQUALS",
"value": ""PUBLIC""
"attribute": "MODEL",
"operator": "NOT_IN",
"value": "["Moto G7 Play"]"


For some reason, the forums are replacing my single-quotes with " &#39 ", but the idea is there. Let me know your thoughts.


Edited by: JonS-AWS on May 6, 2021 9:09 PM

answered 3 years ago

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