Help Enable CDN CloudFront on wordpress lightsail


Hi everyone

I want to ask for your help, the first step is to enable cloudfront in wordpress. I just installed and migrated to the latest AWS account, I'm still a beginner, please help me

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Regards Taufiq S

asked 2 years ago526 views
3 Answers

This documentation walks through a lot of the steps.

Essentially you create your Cloudfront Distribution and point the origin to your LightSail instance.

answered 2 years ago
Accepted Answer

I would start by reading this article:

This blog shows the end-to-end process of self-hosting a WordPress site with Amazon Lightsail, installing the plugin, and using the CloudFront workflow.

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answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

hello everyone actually I just want to activate the security header and h/2 on my wordpress account. Enter image description here is there any other way, other than to activate the free package.

regard taufiq s

answered 2 years ago

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