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Getting an item from DynamoDB table


I am trying to get an attribute from a table in DynamoDB. I can see all items in the table via a print and see the attributes in the list. However, when I try to get just that attribute, I get a response of "none".

The example code was attained from:

I am executing from Lambda. Here's the code: import json import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key

def lambda_handler(event, context): dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb') table = dynamodb.Table('D1-Sites')

response = table.get_item(Key={'SitesID': '1'})

item = response.get('D1-Website')

print("Should be printing item")

return {
    'statusCode': 200,
    'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')

In the 1st print, I see a list of every attribute in record 1. In the last one, it prints "None"

I would like to see the value for a specific attribute: D1-Website.

Any help is appreciated.

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asked 9 months ago535 views
3 Answers

Not out of the woods yet: Here's the code now:

import json import boto3 from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key

def lambda_handler(event, context):

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb')

table = dynamodb.Table('D1-Sites')  

response = table.get_item(Key={'SitesID': '1'})
print ('response: ')

# from re:Post
item = response.get('D1-Website', {'SitesID': '1'}) # Provide a default value to handle
d1_website = item.get('D1-Website')

print('d1_website is:')
print(d1_website)#print the URL

return {
    'statusCode': 200,
    'body': json.dumps('Hello from Lambda!')

And the response: response: {'Item': {'D1-Pricing': '', 'D1-QnA': '', 'SitesID': '1', 'D1-Youtube': '', 'D1-ArtistQuickGuide': '', 'D1-FanQuickGuide': '', 'D1-Website': ''},

d1_website is: None

Printing the response from "table.get_item(Key={'SitesID': '1'})" shows indeed a list of the table variables for SitesID = 1....the Partition Key. "D1-Website" is the last return from the attributes in the table with the value.

However, I am still getting a none in variable d1_website attempting ti get the data. What have I not done correctly?


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answered 9 months ago
  • Is none because you have to get the “Item” field: response[“Item”][“D1-Website”]



response.get('D1-Website') tries to retrieve the value of the 'D1-Website' key directly from the response dictionary. However, since the response dictionary doesn't have a top-level key named 'D1-Website', this operation returns None. Instead, you should first extract the item from the response and then access the 'D1-Website' attribute from the item

response = table.get_item(Key={'SitesID': '1'}) item = response.get('Item', {}) # Provide a default value to handle None response d1_website = item.get('D1-Website')

answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

As reported here: you may want to retrieve the item via response["Item"] first, and then by the field.

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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