WorkMail: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender



I am using WorkMail to send mails to my clients. It worked fine since past month. But since 2 days ago, I got error message as below:

====================== Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender

You have exceeded the sending limit for this account.


I have already configured the domain and everything is correct, I don't know why it fails.

asked a year ago343 views
1 Answer

AWS WorkMail has a daily sending quota, which limits the number of messages you can send in a 24-hour period. If you've reached this limit, you'll need to wait until the quota resets. In addition to the daily quota, AWS WorkMail also has a maximum sending rate that limits the number of messages you can send per second. If you're sending a large number of emails in a short period of time, you might hit this limit.

To resolve this issue

please check your limits, if you require to increase the limits you need to open an AWS support case.

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answered a year ago
  • I'm having the same problem. Where can I see my current litims vs ussage ?? I've find documentation about the limit but not how to check the current ussage. None of the users among all my 2 workmail organizations can't send emails due to this issue. And In total, I doubt the send more than 50 emails per day....

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