CDK: custom endpoints for Aurora cluster?


Does CDK support the creation and management of custom endpoints in Aurora/RDS?

It's simple enough to (for example) group readers together, by region, under specialized endpoints using awscli or SDK calls, but the only mention I see in CDK seems to be a read-only representation of an existing endpoint.

If the answer is "no, CDK doesn't support this," then what's the guidance in this type of scenario, generally speaking? When CFN/Terraform support features that are, at least for now, not present in CDK, should I try to handle this resource outside the IAC framework (e.g. by using SDK calls after a stack has finished executing)?

Incidentally, CDK feels (even more) nascent when there isn't a tag for me to assign to this question. :|

asked 3 years ago968 views
2 Answers

Unfortunately, The answer is "no. RDS does not support it. "

You can not costomize endpoints for RDS(include aorora) in CFN, terraform ...

answered 3 years ago

You can use custom resources ( to provide functionality which is not provided via Cloudformation/CDK at the moment.

answered 3 years ago

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