Create new project results in error now


So. New problem. Also last problem. I am out of ideas and also out of energy.

I reinstalled EVEYTHING so, there shouldn't be anything missing. I will NOT reinstall LY completely again. Not for a 4th time, absolutely not.

The last one I managed to get builds but nothing did run. (See other post about "log", I am even to pissed right now to link it properly...) So I started again from scratch. (3rd time... and also for the last time.) and now I got this:

"C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\lmbr_waf.bat" configure --generate-vs2017-projects-automatically=False --generate-vs2019-projects-automatically=False --enabled-game-projects=emptyLastTry
[WAF] Engine Root: C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\
invalid lock file in c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\BinTemp
[WAF] Executing 'configure'
[WARN] Missing JDK path from Setup Assistant detected. Target platforms that require java will be disabled. Please re-run Setup Assistant with "Compile For Android" enabled and run the configure command again.
[SETTINGS] msvs_version = 16 (default 15) 
[SETTINGS] enable_android_armv8_clang = False (default True) 
[SETTINGS] enable_win_x64_vs2017 = False (default True) 
[SETTINGS] generate_vs2017_projects_automatically = False (default True) 
[SETTINGS] generate_vs2019_projects_automatically = False (default True) 
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'angle.json': Invalid/missing LIBPATH value 'c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\Redistributables\ANGLE\win32': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\angle.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'ANGLE' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'benchmark.json': Invalid/missing SYSTEM_INCLUDES value 'C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\3rdParty\benchmark\1.4.1\include': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\benchmark.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'BENCHMARK' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'crashpad.json': Invalid/missing INCLUDES value 'c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\Crashpad\include': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\crashpad.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'CRASHPAD,CRASHPAD_HANDLER' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'd3d_compiler.json': Invalid/missing LIBPATH value 'c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\Redistributables\D3DCompiler\win32': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\d3d_compiler.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'D3D_COMPILER,D3D_COMPILER_43,D3D_COMPILER_46,D3D_COMPILER_47' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'dbg_help.json': Invalid/missing LIBPATH value 'c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\Redistributables\DbgHelp\win32': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\dbg_help.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'DBG_HELP' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'libav.json': Invalid/missing SYSTEM_INCLUDES value 'C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\3rdParty\libav\11.7\usr\include': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\libav.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'LIBAV' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'msvc90.json': Invalid/missing LIBPATH value 'c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\Redistributables\MSVC90': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\msvc90.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'MSVC90' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'opengl32.json': Invalid/missing LIBPATH value 'c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\Redistributables\OpenGL32': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\opengl32.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'OPENGL32' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'ssleay.json': Invalid/missing LIBPATH value 'c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\Redistributables\SSLEAY\win32': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\ssleay.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'SSLEAY' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'wwise.json': Invalid/missing SYSTEM_INCLUDES value 'C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\3rdParty\Wwise\2018.1.4.6807\SDK\include': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\wwise.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'WWISE' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WARN] Unable to process 3rd party config file 'wwise2017.json': Invalid/missing SYSTEM_INCLUDES value 'C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\3rdParty\Wwise\2018.1.4.6807\SDK\include': (c:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\_WAF_\3rdParty\wwise2017.json, platform win_x64_vs2019)
[WARN] Unable to configure uselibs 'WWISE2017' for platform 'win_x64_vs2019'. This may cause build errors for modules that depend on those uselibs for that platform
[WAF] 'Initialize Build Variants' starting...
[WAF] Configure "win_x64_vs2019 - [debug,debug_dedicated,debug_test,debug_test_dedicated,profile,profile_dedicated,profile_test,profile_test_dedicated,performance,performance_dedicated,release,release_dedicated]"
[WAF] 'Initialize Build Variants' successful (1.593s)
[WAF] 'Configure Projects' starting...
[WAF] 'Configure Projects' successful (5.202s)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\waflib\", line 263, in writef_win32
    fd =, flags)
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\Amazon\\Lumberyard\\\\dev\\BinTemp\\.lock-waf_win32_build'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\waflib\", line 226, in waf_entry_point
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\waflib\", line 342, in run_commands
    ctx = run_command(cmd_name)
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\waflib\", line 319, in run_command
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\lmbrwaflib\", line 1507, in execute
    return execute_method(self)
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\lmbrwaflib\", line 1507, in execute
    return execute_method(self)
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\waflib\", line 277, in execute + os.sep + Options.lockfile)
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\waflib\", line 291, in store
    Utils.writef(filename, ''.join(buf))
  File "C:\Amazon\Lumberyard\\dev\Tools\build\waf-1.7.13\waflib\", line 265, in writef_win32
    raise IOError('Cannot write to %r' % f)
OSError: Cannot write to 'c:\\Amazon\\Lumberyard\\\\dev\\BinTemp\\.lock-waf_win32_build'
Process failed with return code: 1

Any idea?

asked 4 years ago202 views
8 Answers
Accepted Answer

Soooo. For now, I am finally up and running...

Managed a clean install without errors and all SDKs. It runs, and more importantly, I also managed to create and build a new project and a still fine working full rebuild.

What a tour de force... Never thought that one day I would consider these two steps an achievement in a game engine... :slight_smile: But always like it when my stubbornness and persistence prevails.

So consider this solved. Now I can finally start to take a serious look at this thing. Need a break now anyway... Pretty exhausting stuff man. Hooooly ****.

answered 4 years ago
profile picture
reviewed a month ago


I've created a ticket for you so our devs can take a look at the issue. Keep an eye out on the forums in the thread.

Thanks for your support.

answered 4 years ago

[quote="Lytz1, post:1, topic:9782"]

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'c:\\Amazon\\Lumberyard\\\\dev\\BinTemp\\.lock-waf_win32_build'


I've never seen this before... it looks like BinTemp is permission locked. BinTemp is generated when running lmbr_waf configure. What happens if you right click BinTemp/.lock-waf_win32_build and click properties? Is it read only? Mine is not read-only, so you'll want to change it read-only=off

REMOVEDUPLOAD If changing file permission doesn't work, what's the new commandline output say?

answered 4 years ago

Do you happen to have antivirus enabled. If so, try temporarily disabling and see if that fixes the lock issue.

answered 4 years ago

Hey there.

I thought I give it another shot and I uninstalled everything and I am now in the process of reinstalling everything completely from scratch. (Yeah, I am quite resilient, I know. )

I am "only" a couple of hours in since I did that. So I can't say anything right now, this will still take quite a while until I am up and running again.

(Good thing is I have 2 Systems running so I am not stuck waiting and can do something else in the meantime.)

However, as soon as that is done I will report back. Hopefully without any errors, if not there should be the same. If that's the case I will try your suggestions.

Thanks a lot, tL.

(Btw: What is it with this strange double slashes, i.e.: c:\\ is this normal? I mainly work on my Mac, not so much on PC, so I am not sure but this looks kinda odd to me... Aren't normally network drives quoted like that?)

answered 4 years ago

[quote="Lytz1, post:1, topic:9782"] I will NOT reinstall LY completely again. Not for a 4th time, absolutely not. [/quote]

Lol to myself, haha... :) But in the end I am just not the guy for throwing the towel...

answered 4 years ago

I'm so glad you were able to build without any errors this time, nicely done! Sounds like you reinstalled completely? Did you need to turn off anti-virus, or did it just work?

answered 4 years ago

Interestingly it worked right out of the box on the complete reinstall. So I am not sure what went wrong the other times. Didn't touch anti-virus, so that can be ruled out.

Maybe some left over from the try/installation before the other one. Maybe some data got messed up. Doesn't matter now though, looks like everything is smooth sailing. 👍

answered 4 years ago

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