Share EC2 Instance Connect endpoint between AWS accounts


I'm configuring EC2 Instance Connect endpoint to access my EC2 instances in private subnets. I have multiple AWS accounts, subnets are connected via VPC peering.

Can I create a single endpoint in one AWS account, and use it in all other accounts? The console doesn't see endpoints from another account, and doesn't allow to specify a custom id. Enter image description here

The blog post says:

IAM principals using an EIC Endpoint must be part of the same AWS account (either directly or by cross-account role assumption)

How is it intended to work? I'm assuming a role from another account but still need to have access to EC2 instances in the current account. Are there any examples of such a policy?

asked 2 months ago210 views
1 Answer

To work with multiple AWS accounts, you would typically:

  • Set up EC2 Instance Connect in each AWS account separately.
  • Use cross-account IAM roles to access EC2 instances in other accounts.
  • Grant permission for ec2-instance-connect:SendSSHPublicKey in IAM policies.
  • Assume the IAM role from the originating account to connect to instances in the target account.
  • The console won't show endpoints from other accounts; access is managed through IAM.
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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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