Relational DBMS


You need to create a RDS instance for a cloud application. Follow the steps below.  Create an application for feedback on the personal website that you have developed as part of earlier assignment.  When someone visits the site, they should be able to add a comment/message. Store these messages into RDBMS tables.  Create a Python program using boto that creates a the RDS instance with MariaDB/Mysql as database and the corresponding tables. Use a security group with appropriate port open.  Open the public DNS of the newly launched instance in a browser and verify whether the application works.

1 Answer

Here is a start: Amazon RDS code examples for the SDK for Python.

Another thing to take a look at is Amazon CodeWhisperer to help write your python code.

profile pictureAWS
answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago

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