Redirect S3 URL to Domain URL


I have my image stored on my server as , Now I have moved my folder to s3 but I want my URL to be the same. I don't want use Cloud front for redirect , Is their a was to use redirection rules to change the path URL images

1 Answer

I think what you're asking is that you want to be hosted in S3 while your website is still hosted on your server. Is that correct?

If so, you can't have your server ( and the S3 bucket with the same DNS name. You can create a bucket which is (say) and then reference that from your server in your webpages.

If your whole site is being moved to S3 then I would strongly recommend that you use CloudFront because you get HTTPS support and the ability be much more flexible with redirects.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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