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Create Athena Iceberg Table through Terraform.


I am using below terraform script to create Athena Iceberg table, resource "aws_glue_catalog_table" "athena_threshold_table" { name = "my_config_table" database_name = description = "Athena Iceberg table holds the information about configuration" parameters = { "classification" = "parquet", "vacuum_max_snapshot_age_seconds" = "604800", "table_type" = "iceberg", "optimize_rewrite_delete_file_threshold" = "10", "write_target_data_file_size_bytes" = "536870912", "vacuum_min_snapshots_to_keep" = "1" } storage_descriptor { location = "s3://my_s3_bucket/recon/athena/config_table/" input_format = "" output_format = "" ser_de_info { name = "my_config_table" serialization_library = "" } columns { name = "entityname" type = "string" } columns { name = "fromsystem" type = "string" } } }

for the above terraform error i am getting below error : GENERIC_USER_ERROR: Detected Iceberg type table without metadata location. Please make sure an Iceberg-enabled compute engine such as Athena or EMR Spark is used to create the table, or the table is created by using the Iceberg open source AWS library iceberg-aws. Setting table_type parameter in Glue metastore to create an Iceberg table is not supported.

I need to create Athena iceberg table using terraform script, Kindly help me to resolve the error.

asked 10 months ago456 views
1 Answer

You can find info about Iceberg type here

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answered 9 months ago
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reviewed 9 months ago

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