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A Problem of using HeidiSQL client to connect to the AWS RDS MYSQL


I have A Problem of using HeidiSQL client to connect to the AWS RDS MYSQL even after watching the youtube link on the topic. I have double checked the host name, user name and password which all are correct. But I still get the message "Cant connect the server on " AWS RDS public endpoint (which I copy from the RDS server). Pls advise what could I have done wrongly in the AWS RDS instance. Thanks in advance for your help

1 Answer

Hello. Security Groups: This is the most common issue. Your AWS RDS instance is associated with one or more security groups. These groups dictate which IP addresses can access the RDS instance and on which ports.

Go to the RDS Dashboard in AWS Management Console.

  • Click on your database instance.
  • In the "Connectivity & security" tab, check the "Security group rules" section.
  • Ensure that there is a rule that allows inbound traffic for MySQL (usually port 3306) from your IP address or a range that includes it. If not, you need to add one.

Make sure you're using the correct endpoint. AWS RDS instances have different types of endpoints (like "Read" and "Write" endpoints for certain types of replicated instances). You usually want the main or "writer" endpoint.

Lastly, for a more detailed error message, try connecting using the mysql command-line client or another tool that might provide more verbose error information.

Regards, Andrii

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answered a year ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Many thanks Andrii for providing the help and advice. This is very much appreciated.
    As I am totally new in using the AWS RDS Mysql db so my knowledge in the security group concept is basically zero and poor. I have noticed that when the RDS db instance has been created for me a default security group "ec2-rds-2" was created for me and according to the system description that says "Security group attached to instances to securely connect to taskprogress-db-instance. Modification could lead to connection loss.".
    Pls advise whether I can modify the Inbound rules in this default group or is it better for me to simply create another new security group like "ec2-rds-3" and also creates inbound rules (i.e allow all traffic etc) in it. My further question is that how would the AWS RDS knows that it needs to refer to the security group ec2-rds-3 inbound rules when I am trying to use HeidiSQL client to connect to my AWS RDS database. Thanks in advance for your help. Best Regards,

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