EventBridge Scheduler


I have scheduled an "EventBridge Schedule" to send a SQS message containing a json to be sent at a certain time.

First of all I can not see that the queue have received the message. And there is no way to observe the instances of the scheduled task runs to see how many times it has run or what was the result of each run ? Do you have any idea how can I debug this scheduled task ?

I have no "Rule" defined (I assume it is not needed) because it is a simple SQS message targeting a specific queue.

CloudTrail has not shown me anything about the instances of the runs or a failure sign.

I have changed the schedule type to rate and intended to send the message every 1 minute but still nothing seems to be in the queue.

I have given the Role of the scheduled task every possible permission (I am not sure if this is the reason).

            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Thanks for your help.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Found the missing point :

Created a Dead Letter Queue (which is NOT fifo) and set the dead letter queue for the scheduled task.

After that failed messages will go there with the error reason in the attributes.

Hope this helps someone in the future.

answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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