AWS IoT core multicast to LoRaWAN Class A devices


I have some sensing-labs pulse counter devices deployed (@ R&D stage) with intention of attaching to pulse output cables. Technology is proven and works in TTN v.3. The devices are Class A and need a downlink sending to change the data granularity. Feedback from Sensing-labs support is : Your encode downlink is the good one " port 2  payload - will be 0107010101c2019c02070800bb09000f0b01", but needs to be send as a Class A downlink you should check on AWS help or contact AWS support about this point.

asked 3 years ago447 views
3 Answers


You can find information on how to send multicast messages to your LoRaWAN devices using this link:

In case you are not yet experienced with AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN, I suggest starting with an example on how to send downlink data to a speciific LoRaWAN device (without multicast) by using these resources:

Please let me know if any questions remain.

thanks, Andrei

answered 3 years ago

I am looking for a Console option to Multicast to Class A devices.

Link to screen grab of multicast set-up

Is there a none console option for a multicast to Class A devices?

answered 3 years ago

In The Things Network the option in console is (link to screen grab)

answered 3 years ago

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