Direct connect Private VIF


I have 2 DX connections us-east1 and 2 THE VPC I'm trying to connect in another aws account is in us-east 2 region Do I have to select only DX connection in us east 2 region when creating a VIF ?

Ali Md
asked 2 years ago628 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Ali,

You shouldn't need to use the DX in us-east-2 specifically. With two Direct Connects, they would connect to your Direct Connect Gateway, then the underlying IP routing would handle the access between your on-premise networks and the target VPC. You would be able to connect to multiple VPCs with this architecture. Below is a diagram for reference.

Hope this helps! DX diagram

answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 4 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

Also take a look at this Hybrid Connectivity Whitepaper:

Below are some of the examples of how the topology would look like. A Direct Connect gateway is a globally available resource. You can create the Direct Connect gateway in any Region and access it from all other Regions.

With redundancy the connectivity using DXGW would look like this:

Enter image description here

If you are using TGW it would look like this:

Enter image description here

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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