Slow Email Delivery



We are hosting our application on an instance in Mumbai (Staging) and N. Virginia (Production). We were using the SES service via Ireland for both instances. Our application is built on NodeJS and uses the AWS JS SDK.

We noticed the emails are sent in an instant via staging application server while the emails took time via production instance, sometimes as long as 20 minutes. So, we added SES service in N. Virginia region as well.

But still, the email delivery is impacted and takes longer to deliver. Since we use the JS SDK, it sends via the endpoint and not via SMTP we believe. Also, the production instance is behind an Application Load Balancer.

Edited by: mobcasttech on May 14, 2019 11:55 AM

asked 5 years ago248 views
1 Answer


An email can get delayed 1) before arriving at SES 2) inside SES 3) after leaving SES. I'm happy to check further details, if you can provide me the message-ID of the email which got delayed so that I can check the time-stamps at my end.

Three places where your email could get delayed when sending through SES

Gaurav @ AWS

answered 5 years ago

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