Issue using a single lambda to access RDS resource on VPC and access internet


I have an RDS on a VPC with a security group and 2 subnets. I have a lambda that needs to query the RDS and then upload this information to a third party via the internet. When I try to use this lambda without attaching the security group / subnets, I can access the internet, but not the RDS. When I attach the security group / subnets, I can access the RDS, but not the internet. The security group allows all traffic both inbound and outbound. What are the exact steps do I need to take to accomplish my objective? I'm trying to go for a full serverless approach, and this function only needs to run once per day (for around ~10 seconds), so I'd like to not have to pay for a server that needs to run 24/7 to accomplish this objective.

  • Following up, I don't really understand route tables or the difference between internet gateways and NAT gateways, so please keep this in mind when explaining how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance!

  • Following up, the two subnets that are currently attached look to be public subnets, because is targeted at an internet gateway.

    I've tried adding another subnet that targets at a NAT gateway, but this did not solve the problem either.

1 Answer

Hello Andrew,

Can you try looking at this article ?

answered a year ago

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